After a 4 GB download which took me over a day on normal broadband speeds in west wales, the installation started, it lied to me a few times at first it stated there was 30 minutes to go, then eventually 4 minutes, then back up to 30 minutes, I'm not sure if I misread something but overall it defiantly took a good hour.
Now to restart my mac..... well it worked, otherwise I would no doubt of started this post with "Mountain Lion Wrecked My Mac" which it didn't it went nice and smoothly.
Things I like so far.
- I can now get to the top of my mail quickly by clicking the sort bar
- The notifications are handy
- Safari, seems more responses, it used to hang a lot with the timer icon, this seems to of stopped.
- Performance, its hard to tell it seem similar but I did get a lot of hanging before with lots of applications open, maybe this will improve.
- It does feel like a service pack that I just had to pay £13.99 for not a new operating system.
- I seem to have to re-install or update a lot of things, x-code has to be upgraded to the latest version, another 1.5GB download, also x11 needs re-installing.
I think it was worth the upgrade and I'm sure I will find some new toys to play with.
Make sure you have plenty of time to download everything and make the installations.
Make sure you have plenty of time to download everything and make the installations.
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